What is affiliate marketing?

What is affiliate marketing?  It’s essentially your ticket to freedom! Well depending on what you refer to as freedom.  It’s more so a means of using your computer, from anywhere in the world, to make as much money as you creatively can.

For example?

For example, I made my first affiliate sale within 3 weeks after writing a blog on how to start a blog.  After this first sale, I’ve had many other ones come in which have covered all my expenses that i’ve used in marketing / creating my blog … AND I’m only a few months in.

How do you do it?

To get into affiliate marketing is easy!  But firstly, you need a blog! (It makes things a lot easier as you’ll have your own site/blog to refer people back to)

You can use this tutorial that (here) I put together on how to start your own blog today !

Now that you’ve set-up your own blog it’s time to start finding companies that you can partner with begin promoting their stuff.  Don’t think ‘sales’ either.  Think more so recommending to others things that you like, trust and use and would want them to use also.  It’s a big mistake to just sign-up to whichever affiliate program without using their product.  You need to maintain a level of integrity or your audience will think you’re just trying to sell them things.

I’ll give you an example of one affiliate program;

BlueHost (affilate link) –

I use BlueHost as my web hosting company.  I know they’re great and I’ve researched a lot of companies out there.  For what I want to do and achieve, they’re perfect.  Now it would only make sense to recommend to others wanting to creating a website/blog that they use BlueHost.  And this is what I do.  I’ve created a whole tutorial on it HERE!  And people are very appreciative.  Just like I was really appreciative when I used another travel bloggers tutorial when I created my blog.

How does it work? – Once successfully registered with BlueHost’s affiliate program here (it’s free), they will give you a special ‘tracking link’ which essentially tracks people that click the link – This is what it looks like – http://www.bluehost.com/track/travelledmatt/


Be sure to look out for your name or code in the link as you want to make sure it tracks back to you!

Ok so now, wherever I put this link i.e. in photos, hyperlinks or banners, and if someone clicks it and then signs up to BlueHost, I’ll receive $65!!

Crazy hay?  And all I’ve done is recommended something that I use and trust.

After that it’s only a numbers game.  Image if you start signing up 10 people each month.  That’s $650 for not doing anything !!

AND it even gets better.  If you maintain a good record with BlueHost and get them enough signups per month (usually 10/15) they will raise your bounty and even pay you more per sign-up.

Last year BlueHost paid over $5,000,000 to affiliates.  Crazy hay!!

Other affiliate marketing programs?

So I’ve registered with various affiliate programs and I’ll put them below so you can see.  Just Google your favourite brand or product and then find out if they have an affiliate program.  Literally Google ANYTHING you’re interested in.  It could be certain brands of make-up, travel products, camera accessories, watches or jewellery, food, clothing brands, pet supplies etc…  ANYTHING

What if your favourite brand doesn’t have an affiliate marketing program?

You can always ask them.  You’ll be surprised how many will want to partner with you! And if not, just keep searching.

You can even use companies such as travel insurances companies, web hosting, travel search engines (SkyScanner, Expedia etc), Amazon .. and the list goes on !!

These are just a few of the ones I use;

Shopify (ecommerce store) – https://www.shopify.com/?ref=travelledmatt

BlueHost (internet hosting)– www.bluehost.com/track/travelledmatt/

1Cover (travel insurance)– http://titrk.net/au/85122

You can also use sites such as CJ Affiliate and CLICKBANK.  They’ll allow you to apply for multiple affiliate marketing programs.  Many companies register with them and you can choose and apply for the ones which you think you’d like to do affiliate marketing for! (MAKE SURE you choose a company you know, trust and use – that’s my piece of advice)

And there you have it!!

By now hopefully you’ll have realised that you can be achieving whatever you want, as long as you put the necessary actions in place in order to achieve it.  Stop doing things which aren’t helping you to get to or achieve what you want to achieve. Set a goal and work towards it.

As always let me know if you have any questions about this and I’ll help you out!!

Happy Affiliate Marketing!